Just to make it more easy.
It will be better to find posts from the labels on the right hand side of my blog.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New OP Bottom Lane Combination!

Hello Guys, there is a OP bottom lane Combination!

Armor of Tthe Fifth Age Taric


Heartseeker Varus


(Everyone will run away! To dodge Taric's E and Varus's R)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Short Story - The Dark Future 5

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Diary type short story

September 16, 2025

It's still September 16. I started to walk toward the museum and while I was walking, something caught my eyes. It was a huge pyramid made out of glass and metal. It was also destroyed but not completely. Since the pyramid was also covered with ivies, I coulnd't see it clearly, but I saw something moving inside the pyramid. After staring the pyramid, I walked into the museum. Couldn't believe that it was 6 P.M. when I entered the museum. Everything was starting to get dark, I couldn't see anything. I couldn't bring lamp from the camp since it's very invaluable and hard to find. Suddenly, I saw perceived something moving in the dark museum. One, two, three, no maybe more about 30, I wasn't able to count exact number of them, but I was able to know that they were coming closer to me. I took out small knife to protect my self and started to brandish it everywhere. And suddenly I heard something exploding and fainted. When I woke up, I was in the middle of crowd. They were all wearing mask and holding rifle on their hand. After some minute, they saw me and started to wake me up and made me to stand up. When I stood up, I knew where I was. I was inside the glass pyramid.


Monday, February 9, 2015

League of Legends - Skin: Sivir & Nautilus

League of Legends Skin News

New Skins for Sivir and Nautilus will be released SOON!

The name of the New Skin is




Splash Art of Warden Sivir & Nautilus

I love those skins for Nautilus and Sivir!
I bought those champions to play with these skins!

League of Legends - Skin: Ashe & Warwick

League of Legends Skin News

New Skins for Ashe and Warwick will be released SOON!

The name of the New Skin is




Splash Art of Marauder Ashe & Warwick

I can't wait to see these skins!

Hi Guys!

Hi Guys

I'm Back!

I wasn't able to post anything for more than two months.

I'm Sorry.    :(

I was on vacation to the U.S.

But now a school has resumed, which means that I can start my blog again!

Thanks for the people who had waited for a long time. And I appreciate it!
