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Friday, December 5, 2014

Short Story - The Dark Future 4

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Diary type short story

September 16, 2025

The day changed, but still, everything was same. Everything was quiet and couldn't find anything moving around me, can't even find small insects moving around. It was too quiet, sometimes silence is a sign of the outbreak of a big incident, but who knows. The only sound that I was able to hear around was the wind wafting around the streets. All of the debris of buildings were covered with ivy and trees those grew too much. Anyway, it was a good idea that I brought compass with me from the underground camp. I started walk toward south. I don't know how long I've been walking on the ghost street. I was walking without thinking, I had no idea where I am going and where I am at now. I just walked and walked southward and I suddenly halted, there was a familiar building standing in front of me. It was destroyed but still able to notice what that building was in the past. The building that used to represent this place long time ago, before the Matola breaks out, it was Louvre Museum. After a long time of thinking, I decided to go into the Museum to see if inside is also destroyed.

And this is how everything started...

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