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Friday, March 6, 2015

Short Story - Affluence 1

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Short story



Everyone knows who I am and where I live. It might sounds little strange, but it's true. They all stare me with a strange look and talk behind me. But there was one event that changed my entire life...

Ch 1

I was just a small boy who everyone hated. I didn't know why they abhorred me, but as I grew up, I knew why and felt betrayal to everyone.

It's very hard for me to remember my childhood, but if there is something that I remember clearly, it's the fact that I never saw my mom. Maybe that was the reason of everyone staring at me with a abominable face. Even my father, the one who always has to be at my side, looked at me as I'm an mutated creature. When I figured out why everyone neighbors including my relatives had looked at me with the strange face, I was full of fury and agony, I had to find a way to get out of this situation.

Ch 2

When I found out the reason of strange look, I was 15, the age of wandering. When I found out the reason, everything I had believed so far is destroyed. Everyhing that I have believed about my mother, my father, and my past.. They were gone, no they were all false. I had to find a way to prove that it wasn't my fault.


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