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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Short Story - The Dark Future 3

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Diary type short story

September 15, 2025

The day had changed, it’s morning now. I only know that it is morning now, I don’t know what the weather is and how does outside look like. I had to climb a ladder to go to the ground level, after 5 minutes of doing that, I finally reached for the door that connects outside and underground. The door was rusty and full of dust. I tried to open the door by pushing it for more than 5 minutes, and later figured out that I had to pull the door, not push the door. When I opened the metal door, the sunlight started to run into my face. I couldn't open my eyes well; I had to close half of my eye in order to walk outside. Although my eyes were half closed, there was one thing that I was able to notice, it was very quiet outside. I wasn't able to hear anything not even bird tweeting. After some minutes when I became familiar with strong sunlight, I opened my eyes. And what I saw was very surprising. Everything was devastated; the only thing that was standing was a flag pole with flag, all reaped and dirty, hanging powerlessly on the pole. I lost hope, I actually expected there to be at least some people or corpses of dead people, but I saw nothing I only saw the debris of edifices, the edifices those used to represent the power and the wealth of our country, and grass and trees grew too much so that it gave the feeling of Amazon forest. I didn't know where I am and where to go; there was nothing to tell me the address of the places and the directions.


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