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Thursday, November 27, 2014

League of Legends - Rek´Sai

League of Legends New Champion News

Recently, there was a video released for a New Champion.

Video that shows new champion briefly

The name of the new champion that is going to be released is


I think his ultimate is little bit OP, but who knows what is going to happen in the future.

What are your thoughts?

Rek'Sai Splash Art

Rek'Sai front and back view
Base Returning
R (Ultimate)


I will write about the skills later ^^


League of Legends - Azir: Bulid

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Azir.

It has been about 2 months since the release, but not many people are using him.

Azir is an AP champion.

And now let's start.


Job: Mage or fighter

Costs: 975 RP or 6300 IP

Lane: Mid or top



For the mastery, I recommend 21/0/9

This is a mastery focused on cooldown and attack speed.

Mastery can be changed depends on your preference and the opponent.

Summoner Spell

I recommend Flash and Ignite

Flash helps you to chase or to runaway
Ignite helps to add extra damage on the enemy champion


Starting Item
Final Item

Azir is a champion that needs a lot of Mana
so always start with Athene's Unholy Grail if the opponent is AP
and Morellonomicon if the opponent is AD.

Item build also can be changed depends on who is coming to you lane and your preference.


1. Try to make 40% cooldown as soon as possible.

2. It's very good to use passive to block the other team's way. However, I recommend you to use it carefully since it has a cooldown.

3. In the beginning of the game, always try to keep one sand soldier. So that you can use it to run away.

4. Skill mastering order

Thanks for reading and if I have something to add, please leave it as a comment.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

League of Legends - Skin: Oriana

League of Legends Skin News

New Skin for Oriana is going to be released after 4.21 patch!

The name of the New Skin is


I'm very excited to see a new skin.

What are your thoughts?



Front and Back view of new skin

Returning Base

Q Skill
W Skill
E Skill
R Skill ( Ultimate )
I like W skill's effect.

In my opinion, this skin looks very different from any other skins since the ball has an animal shape.

League of Legends - Gnar: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Gnar.

It seems like more people started to use Gnar.

Gnar is a champion at the 3rd highest banning rate with 44% banning rate.

Gnar is an AD champion.

And this is the first AD champion that I'm writing build.

And now let's start.


Job: Fighter

Costs: 975 RP or 6300 IP

Lane: Top


For the mastery, I recommend 21/9/0

Since Gnar is a top champion with strong attack damage, this is a mastery focused on attack damage and armor.

Mastery can be changed depends on your preference and the opponent.
Summoner Spell

I recommend Flash and Ignite

Flash helps you to chase or to runaway
Ignite helps to add extra damage on the enemy champion


Starting Item

Final Item

This items are based on tanking, but by adding trinity force, Gnar can deal more damage to champion.

But for the starting item, if you want to push the lane and give some pressure on the enemy champion, Doran's Blade is also ok.

Like what I always say, this is just my own build and preference. This can be changed depends on who is coming to the lane.


1. It's very important to keep the eyes on the Rage gage.

2. Always place wards at the bushes, since Gnar is weak before the transformation, it's important to prepare for the ganking. 

3. Skill mastering order

Thanks for reading and if I have something to add, please leave it as a comment.


Monday, November 24, 2014

League of Legends - Kayle: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Kayle.

I also play as him a lot.

Kayle is an AP champion, but AD is also ok.

And now let's start.

Mid/Top Kayle

Job: Fighter

Costs: 260 RP or 450 IP

Lane: Mid or Top



For the mastery, I recommend 21/9/0

Attack speed and cooldown is very important for Kayle.
So I decided to use mastery focused on attack speed and cooldown.

Mastery can be changed depends on your preference and the opponent.


Summoner Spell

I recommend Flash and Ignite

Flash helps you to chase or to runaway
Ignite helps to add extra damage on the enemy champion



Starting Item

Final Item
Like what I had mentioned above, I think attack speed is very important for Kayle.
So I also use Runnan´s Hurricane

This is just my own build and preference, this can be changed depends on which lane you are going and who is coming to the lane



1. Try to get runes with cool down in order to make 40% cooldown in the game.

2. Use R (Ultimate) carefully, when there is big fight going on, try to use ulti to adc or main dealer.

3. Kayle's combo is E-A-A-A-Q-A-A-A

E - E skill
A - Auto Attack
Q - Q skill

4. Skill mastering order

Thanks for reading and if I have something to add, please leave it as a comment.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

League of Legends - Twisted Fate: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Twisted Fate.

Personally, he is one of my favorite champions.

Twisted Fate is an AP champion, although I've seen some AD Twisted Fate

And now let's start.

Twisted Fate (TF)

Job: Mage

Costs: 585 RP or 1350 IP

Lane: Mid



For the mastery, I recommend 21/0/9

This is a mastery focused on cooldown.

Mastery can be changed depends on your preference and the opponent.

Summoner Spell

I recommend Ghost and Flash

But if you are willing to roam (Helping the other lane) Teleport is also OK.



Starting Items
Final Items
Since Twisted Fate struggles a lot in the beginning with lack of Mana, it's also good to have Athene's Unholy Grail or Morellonomicon.

This is my own build.
Item build also can be changed depends on who is coming to you lane and your preference.


1. For a very small tip, it very important to use W and pick a right card depends on the situation..

2. Always keep you eyes on the mini-map, it's very important to use R and gang the other lane.

3. As soon as you using R, turn W on and pick a golden card.

4. Skill mastering order

Thanks for reading and if I have something to add, please leave it as a comment.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Short Story - The Dark Future 3

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Diary type short story

September 15, 2025

The day had changed, it’s morning now. I only know that it is morning now, I don’t know what the weather is and how does outside look like. I had to climb a ladder to go to the ground level, after 5 minutes of doing that, I finally reached for the door that connects outside and underground. The door was rusty and full of dust. I tried to open the door by pushing it for more than 5 minutes, and later figured out that I had to pull the door, not push the door. When I opened the metal door, the sunlight started to run into my face. I couldn't open my eyes well; I had to close half of my eye in order to walk outside. Although my eyes were half closed, there was one thing that I was able to notice, it was very quiet outside. I wasn't able to hear anything not even bird tweeting. After some minutes when I became familiar with strong sunlight, I opened my eyes. And what I saw was very surprising. Everything was devastated; the only thing that was standing was a flag pole with flag, all reaped and dirty, hanging powerlessly on the pole. I lost hope, I actually expected there to be at least some people or corpses of dead people, but I saw nothing I only saw the debris of edifices, the edifices those used to represent the power and the wealth of our country, and grass and trees grew too much so that it gave the feeling of Amazon forest. I didn't know where I am and where to go; there was nothing to tell me the address of the places and the directions.


Short Story - The Dark Future 2

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Diary type short story

The Dark Future

Chapter 1

In February 14 there was an Ebola outbreak in Western Africa. Many people were killed and infected with this pandemic. Governments of four countries from where Ebola had found for the first time started to stop people from going out and coming in to their countries in order to stop the spread. However, by some reason Ebola started to be spread out to other countries. The whole world is becoming under control of Ebola. As people investigate money and put efforts in developing a vaccine, Ebola started to be mutated and ended up with creating new disease that can genocide people deadly and quickly and started to bring another catastrophe on earth. Scientists started to call this disease Matola.

May 25, 2025

Many years have been passed, now it’s 2025 but still there is no vaccine developed for Matola. Scientists had announced in the WHO meeting that vaccine that is being tested recently is only effective for animals not for humans. However it’s strange how none of the doctors and scientists were killed by Matola since 2025, maybe a government is lying to the citizens. 11 years had passed since first Matola was discovered, for 11 years people had lived without the vaccine. Now people are even afraid of drinking water and eating food although the government had said that Matola never can be transferred by water it seems like no one trusts the government now. The things the government is continuously saying through the radio are: “Stay at the base camp never leaves the camp” and “Another trial for creating vaccine had failed”. So far Matola had decimated about half of the world’s population. There are many people in the black market to get blood of people who recovered from Matola. There are still many people ignoring the blood type and just injecting blood into their body. This is getting more serious.

September 14, 2025

I’m Rafael, I had survived for 11 years without vaccine, after surviving for 11 years, I started to feel Matola as nothing but a small disease because I`m still alive. I had two friends who were working in the laboratory. One died while he was researching for the vaccine in Liberia, and the other one is still working at the lab. The one who died is Tom and the other one is Lucas. I tried multiple times to make a liaison with Lucas. However, I wasn't able to contact. I’m currently hiding in the underground base camp, I have no idea of how long I should be staying here, and maybe I have to be staying at this murky place without seeing the light of the rest of my life from now. I felt miserable when I started to think of not seeing the outside world and living here like a prisoner. So I decided to go outside to the outer world to see what is going on.

September 14, 2025

At night I heard government telling us to stay at the base camp again. I’m disgusted with this repeating announcement. I finished packing my bag and decided to take enough amount of sleep because I might have to walk a lot. At about 1 O’clock, I woke up because I was thirsty, and I heard a new voice from the radio. It was saying “Get prepared for the last march” it wasn't clearly audible but it was saying something similar to that.

Short Story - The Dark Future 1

Written by: Harry Kim
Type: Diary type short story

The Dark Future

In February 14 there was an Ebola outbreak in Western Africa. Many people were killed and infected with this pandemic. Governments of four countries from where Ebola had found for the first time started to stop people from going out and coming in to their countries in order to stop the spread. However, by some reason Ebola started to be spread out to other countries. The whole world is becoming under control of Ebola. As people investigate money and put efforts in developing a vaccine, Ebola started to be mutated and ended up with creating new disease that can genocide people deadly and quickly and started to bring another catastrophe on earth. Scientists started to call this disease Matola.


It has been 200 years since Matola was found. Also about 30 years since the vaccine was widely diffused around the world. My name is Harry, and I found a very old looking book from the old house near the place with big metal door. Everyone from this huge city doesn't want to even try to open that door. Anyway I brought this antique book to home and started reading it.