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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

League of Legends - Gnar: Build

Today, I'm going to write about a build for Gnar.

It seems like more people started to use Gnar.

Gnar is a champion at the 3rd highest banning rate with 44% banning rate.

Gnar is an AD champion.

And this is the first AD champion that I'm writing build.

And now let's start.


Job: Fighter

Costs: 975 RP or 6300 IP

Lane: Top


For the mastery, I recommend 21/9/0

Since Gnar is a top champion with strong attack damage, this is a mastery focused on attack damage and armor.

Mastery can be changed depends on your preference and the opponent.
Summoner Spell

I recommend Flash and Ignite

Flash helps you to chase or to runaway
Ignite helps to add extra damage on the enemy champion


Starting Item

Final Item

This items are based on tanking, but by adding trinity force, Gnar can deal more damage to champion.

But for the starting item, if you want to push the lane and give some pressure on the enemy champion, Doran's Blade is also ok.

Like what I always say, this is just my own build and preference. This can be changed depends on who is coming to the lane.


1. It's very important to keep the eyes on the Rage gage.

2. Always place wards at the bushes, since Gnar is weak before the transformation, it's important to prepare for the ganking. 

3. Skill mastering order

Thanks for reading and if I have something to add, please leave it as a comment.


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